Most of the modern-day population are living with some kind of muscular dysfunction. Years of performing the same actions such as sitting at a desk, driving, standing and using smartphones has had a massive impact on the level of dysfunction in our bodies. This happens because our bodies are held in the incorrect posture.
Over time, this eventually causes issues with the muscles, joints and our physical alignment, leaving us with pain and a limited range of movement. Dysfunction in one area of the body has a knock-on effect throughout the whole body, leading to issues in other areas.
Modern-day sedentary lifestyles
A large proportion of jobs these days are sedentary, with many people spending 8-10 hours each day sitting at a desk or driving. The effects of such prolonged periods of sitting include poor posture, tension in the neck and shoulders, and lower back pain. It’s therefore not surprising that around 85% of our clients come to see us with some form of back pain!
When someone’s sitting all day there are a certain number of muscles in the body that are “stuck” in one position for many hours. It is unnatural for the human body to be in one static place for a long time. Think about where our design has evolved from – if you go back thousands of years, we were either chasing the big toothy monster for our dinner or it was chasing us! There was no modern technology there to do everything for us like there is today. In essence, thousands of years ago we moved more and the human body was designed to move.
We are focused to one-on-one service that are aimed at delivering quick results. We work throughout, to address the cause of your pain or dysfunction.